Wednesday, November 19, 2014

No.8 | My Body

It might seem a little strange to actually post my thoughts on my own body. But I am constantly amazed at all the amazing things that it can do. It can heal little cuts and massive surgery. I can walk, run, or crawl wherever I need it to take me. I can hear, see, taste, touch, and smell the world around me (for better or for worse) and I have a mind that works well enough that I can think and reason for myself.

There are days (ok more often than I would like to admit...) that I may wish the mirror portrayed a skinnier, stronger, more attractive woman. I may cry about the dissonance I have between what I want to look like (and what society tells me I should be) and what the reality is. But I have to remind myself that it does a lot for me. (That all said, please be kind regarding the pictures I chose to post here... It was a difficult one to choose.)

I have two hands that open and close. Do you know just what a miracle that is?! Its HUGE. I can type, grab objects, and wear gloves and mittens. I may have a few scars, but they remind me of the miracles I have witnessed and what an awesome healer my body is.

I carried two babies (big ones, I might add...) to full term. They were healthy, I was healthy, and there were few complications. I am so very grateful for those blessings, and the little ones running around to constantly remind me of what a miracle that whole process is...

I can eat what I want. That seems to be a theme for me these days. While I shouldn't eat just anything... I have no allergies. I am blessed that this is not something that I have to worry about. I have the physical ability to eat gluten, sugar, milk... meat... and I have the control over my body to decide what I will eat and what I will not.

Overall. I am just grateful for a body that does what it is supposed to do. I am grateful for my health, the health of my family, and the blessing of living where we are close enough to doctors that can help us when we do need the help.

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