Well, here it is the story you have all been waiting for and the never-before seen footage!!!
Ok, so there is no footage... but it sure sounded good...
Memorial Day at the Park was advertised as Baby Animals Day (its the 3rd day now...) and we were swamped with people all day long. It was crazy! We easily topped Saturday's numbers. I was so blessed to have Elora and Millie helping me out with the cabin today. When you are trying to watch a couple of games, stilts, rug beaters, drying laundry, and a nest of baby birds in the reach of children, it can be a little overwhelming
sometimes. We also had some extra help by way of Bryce. He decided after a co-worker of mine helped me out the other day and had to play "Mr. Gardiner" (for the sake of our guests) that he wanted to volunteer as a pioneer. I wasn't expecting this, but was well appreciated. With 4 pioneers in the same house, we were able to keep control over the crowds. Actually, there was one gentleman who asked if Bryce was married to all three of us. His sincerity was enough to cause Millie to quickly explain that she and Elora were "just visiting the
Gardiners as their
children were busy else where in the village" or something like that... it was pretty funny.
Bryce wandered off around 11:00 wanting to see the sights. He hasn't been up there with actual people and was curious about the new Native American village. I should have
quizzed him about it... now that I think about it... but he was the last thing on my mind with the
hoards of children all around. he came back a little while later and as I was doing laundry I say him and Elora chatting in the garden. (Don't worry, its important later. I promise...)
As the day was winding to a close we put the wash up, the rugs back in the house we took them from, and the buckets back against the house. I was excited that I might actually get out of the park around 5:00... at about 5 minutes to close Bryce shut the back door and went over to shut the front door. This is where I leave you as the narrator and you can enjoy the lame flash-back music as I
Jess: "what are you doing? it isn't closing yet." (I am the last cabin on the way out... people often stop in to say hello around 5...) *open the door again*
Bryce: "Its alright Elora and Millie will watch." *close door and locks it."
Jess: "
aah! What are you doing?! help!" (I was totally oblivious to what was about to take place...) *resist some as he guides me to my rocking chair.* *sit down*
This is about the time that my brain started putting it all together... it took a minute. (another side note, Bryce was up late last night writing his poem, and memorizing what he was going to say. He had checked his pocket, where the ring was, all day long to make sure it was still there... and had waited all day for the right moment to arise... but there were too many people.)
Bryce: (Poem)
"I never knew the way I'd feel
Each time I felt you gentle touch
When you smile, I simply melt
For I simply love you so much!"
*sings part of our song* (for personal reasons, this part I keep to myself...) :)
Bryce: This is the Place (notice the play on words... he's proud of it so I must point it out...) that I fell in love with you back in December. I feel that it is only appropriate that this happens here. *reaches into pocket and unwraps beautiful ring* *kneels down* Jessica, will you marry me?
Jess: Yes. Yes of course I will!
Bryce: *sigh of relief* :)
Ok the narration is back... as you can tell I am very giddy about the whole ordeal. But give me a break... its only been 24 hours!!!
AHHHH!!!! I can't believe it is actually happening... It is crazy to think that this ring means... forever... It still hasn't sunk in yet... I know because I have not cried at all yet... :)
Most got to hear the news by phone. Grandma, you didn't quite hear me over the phone but it all worked out. ;) (PS. Congrats to Ashley for graduating! You are so beautiful!!!) I talked to Bryce's parents too. I'm glad to report that it is good news for them too! :)
Mommy, I know you cried all morning and I don't quite know what to say. I am so excited and scared and overwhelmed that I don't know where to even begin. I hope that you know that I love you so very much and that I thank my Heavenly Father every day for blessing me to be your daughter. I have learned so much from you and I can't begin to describe what you and your example mean to me. All of our girls days shopping, and relaxing. Our Brick Oven trips when the boys all leave. The Chick Flicks. Those nights that I was sick and you just sat there comforting me, or when my heart was broken and you wouldn't leave my side until I had cried myself to sleep. Even when you all abandoned me to go see that shuttle trial in Brigham City... I am glad I can celebrate my memorial day by remembering all of the good times that I've had with you!!! Life is moving fast, but you are always there for me to call or run home to. So thank you for all you do!!! (and Bryce thanks you for all your cookies too!!!) :) P.S. wipe that tear away... its
embarrassing. ;)
Daddy, (if you are even reading this...) I appreciate the permission granted and the blessing bestowed. It would have cause great stress on Bryce if you changed your mind... ;) I love you so much and can't express in words how near and dear you are to me. We have had some fun times and some great talks in the car to
Kanab and hiking the Bed... the rock and roll
quizzes, bedtime songs, ice cream after concerts, you sitting there on the front porch with Don and a shot gun... my list can go on and on... Today my life changed drastically, and yet I know that those good times will continue on! I can feel it... :) Thanks for all you have done for me. Thanks for the stories, the love, the patience, and the comfort in my good times and in my bad ones. I love you!!!
Ok so this is really long and I now have upset parents... Thanks to all who have supported me and loved me. Thanks for making me into who I am today. I celebrate all those wonderful memories today. (I guess I'm celebrating an engagement too huh? ;] ) I love you all! Until next time!!!