My dear sister-in-law had her baby 7 weeks early. That makes my nephew a little over a month old now and she hasn't reached her due date yet. (just the tiniest bit jealous of the 4 lbs baby... but I digress). She has spent that last month in the NICU (not jealous of this part. I'll take my 9 pounds any day over that...) with the little guy. He had done extremely well. The only think keeping him there is eating. He has to eat from a bottle for 2 days before she can take him home. I do hope it is SOON! I am so excited to be an aunt. I had no idea it would be this awesome! I'm going to be a favorite. That's that.
Anyway, my in-laws (mom and pop) had plans to visit NYC with the soon-to-be 16 year old and they were going to leave the youngest (11 yrs) with the brand new parents. (To clarify, they weren't supposed to be parents until AFTER the trip to New York). Anyway, naturally their plans changed and Lexi got to spend the most awesome week with me! I am pretty sure she hasn't been so bored in her life, but then again, she does live in Roosevelt. We did have some good fun together though. We went bowling at the Beach Resort, watched some great movies, went hot-tubing... so much fun. And it was a lot of fun for me to experience some one-on-one sister to sis-in-law bonding. I really enjoyed having her with us.
Unfortunately, she came just as I got ambitious. I am tired of working so hard at my weight loss and not seeing any results. So I re-vamped my nutritional goals, re-planned my menu, went grocery shopping for healthy food, and planned my routine to include my spring cleaning... Did I mention that we had fun while she was here?! I did really well for the first day... and then...
So I am here to officially say, I am getting back on to this darn horse. I plan to start again in my exercise routine from before I left off... I am jumping back in at day 40 and plan to spend this month finishing off those 60 days. (hopefully with some results)
I also have a goal to have my spring cleaning done by Easter. The kitchen is already finished. And I'm feeling pretty good about it too!
Oh! In other random news. I am in the process of simplifying my life. I hear its good for you. *smile* So in an effort I have been brain storming and I am considering consolidating my blogs into fewer... I do not feel that anyone is able to read my posts when they are all spread out all over the place. Though I do like having this one that I can ramble on... Its still a consideration. I'll keep you posted. Thanks to anyone (or the one of you) who reads my posts. I really like to know that someone out there cares enough. :)
Lots of love!
You can do it! :)