Tuesday afternoon she came to drop him off. He immediately began exploring and I now have a pretty good idea of what I will need to "baby-proof" for Brayden in a few months. Brayden was finishing up his nap when he arrived, so when he woke up, me and my new little responsibility went into the room. When Brayden saw that he had a friend he was so excited. He wanted to play with Conner so badly. Conner on the other hand, was not too keen on the idea of this little annoyance following him around and playing with the same toys... It was pretty funny to watch as Conner tried to avoid Brayden and Brayden crawled after him. They would stop to play with a toy for a minute and then the chase would begin again. I went into the kitchen to put something away only to be nearly run over with a desperate Conner. He hid himself behind my legs and peeked through my knees as Brayden came around the corner. By this time, Brayden was finally getting the hint... He looked up at me with tear-filled eyes and an expression that seemed to say "why doesn't he want to play with me?" It was pretty heart breaking, but the situation itself was too funny. Conner was holding so tightly to my legs, I couldn't really move...
Within the 2 hours that Conner visited us this week that particular scene played its self about 4 times. My friend stopped by to visit and she thought it was hilarious. Finally Brayden discovered his books in the living room and Conner found the rubber spatulas I keep in a drawer in the kitchen.
Toward the end of his brief visit, Conner got hungry. His mom left him some snacks and a pudding cup. As the interest was in the pudding cup, I decided we'd go for it. I put him in Brayden's chair and let him go at it. He was pretty good at feeding himself and he had fun playing in it. Plus, Brayden couldn't get him... Brayden wanted to see what was going on so I picked him up and sat him on my lap. Conner started playing with the spoon and soon enough Brayden was giggling (not even his fake, pity laugh... his true little pure glee giggle). Conner would blow on his spoon and Brayden would giggle, then Conner would giggle and do it again. A truly precious little moment I got to witness.
Can't wait to see what happens next week...
So cute!