Now its the end of January. How am I doing you ask? Well, lets just say that its a good thing no one knows just how long my list actually is... so according to the public, I am doing great! But between you and me, January is a difficult month for me. Always. Every year. Its the longest month of the year.
This particular January is less miserable because of the un-winter we are having here in Utah. No snow, except for the stuff that came on Christmas (thanks Santa!). Its not even that blisteringly cold! So I am already for spring to arrive. But that is a total side story... usually January is the worst month of the year.
My list always includes:
- Be a better (read: more fun, more attentive, happier, cooler.... insert other desirable adjectives here) mother/ wife/ friend. etc.
- Be better in my financial life
- Lose weight
- Clean the house
- Be healthy
- etc, etc, etc... blah, blah, blah...
New year resolutions. What a funny thing. Yet I participate in this particular tradition every year. I secretly love the new year because of the "clean slate" sort of feeling that I talk myself into every January the 1st. I'm a planner, a goal setter, and a dreamer. I'm quite comfortable in the planning stages of any project. I'm also a perfectionist, so I tend to find myself stuck in this phase because I don't want to screw it up and not get the outcome that I tend to dream about... (this is a problem I'm working on)
This year is different. Not that my list is any shorter than it has been in past years (I promise, its not)... No, this year I have an umbrella goal. Its a goal that covers all the others. I hope that this theory will mean I end up with a small feeling of accomplishment, rather than total failure...
My mantra for 2015 is: I don't want to just Survive... Now is the time to THRIVE.
What does that mean? It means I finally tackle the projects that I have set aside for "later." It means I attack the clutter strewn around the house and release it into the world by any means necessary (yes, there is a yard sale in our future). It means a quick kick in the behind for our financial planning sessions, a budget that we stick to, and the use of my new favorite word. "NO" wow. what a freeing word. Its seems silly, but those two letters mean I can finally have time to achieve things on my personal bucket list.
So here's to 2015! The year I get to thrive! Who's with me?!
So here's to 2015! The year I get to thrive! Who's with me?!