So what have we been up to the past couple of months? Well, we keep busy running errands and the general upkeep but we have been working on a few projects. We planted a garden that is doing rather well as of right now. The slugs and snails that plagued us last year had to face the wrath of the slug-go this year. We have a healthy looking row of green beans and sugar snap peas. We are also trying our hand at a couple of tomato plants and planted a little herb garden with two types of chives, cilantro and rosemary. (we have now used chives and cilantro in dinners!) The raspberry bush that we planted last year is giving a good go after being buzzed down in the spring and our little strawberry plant is growing quickly and we have 3 little strawberries starting to form! :) It is quite fulfilling to have our plant survive so far. I get a thrill when I realize that I can go out and harvest some fresh chives for our potatoes or the cilantro for the enchiladas. Our garden will continue to grow as we learn a little more about this whole green-thumb business.
We took Brayden to his first movie in the theaters the other day. Cars 2 just seemed to be the ticket. He was very good through the whole thing (he only got hungry once). For the first while he just sat on my lap and watched the screen... it was kinda cute. I really liked the movie and we have already put it on our list of movies that we will own someday.
I'm working on some crafting projects and dabbling here and there with some ideas. I have stumbled across the new site Pinterest and have fallen in love. I admit I'm a tad addicted... But I have come across some great ideas that I am going to spend my summer working on. :)
I have also been experimenting in the kitchen. We have tried a few recipes that have been truly amazing! Its been fun to incorporate some variety into our diets. That being said, here's my plug for you to go over to What's Cooking? to check out what we've been up to in the kitchen.
Can you believe that July is already upon us?! I can't... Will post soon. *cross fingers*