With that out of the way... I have been thinking a lot about nutrition... and health... and food... and that of course leads to my fridge, then my cupboards, then those cans in that cupboard, to food storage. (I know, my brain is a little... sidetracked...it is a symptom of too much studying...) Anyway, I am excited to get a handle on this food storage thing and am looking for some great ideas on how to get started... We have started collecting random food stuffs... but how do I know whether or not we have reached our goal of a 3 month supply of food storage?

That's all I have time for now, but there is a light at the end of this test tunnel and it's looking rather sunny... oh the posts I can post then. ;) Thanks for reading all!
I have a very old, out-of-print book that has a humorous take on finding food storage space:
Find new ways to store more wheat:
1) Jack up beds six inches
2) Drill holes in bedposts and table legs
3) Replace all furniture with wheat-bag chairs
4) Empty waterbed
And on a later page:
Crib mattress sprouting! Find another place to store wheat.
It always made me laugh. :-)
Congratulations. It sounds like we're all on the same wave length. I have a few ideas maybe I can pass along.
Jessica, I have a cool way to decide food storage amounts. We need to talk.