A breath of fresh air... the air yesterday was dusty, smoky, and nasty to breath... despite the fact that its almost April, I am glad is snowed this morning. As I walked across campus today I took a deep breath of the new, clean air... so refreshing... *another deep breath* feels good... :) Its time to purge... I cannot wait to finish the semester so I might get that spring cleaning of my house and life done!
I don't know if I say this enough... but I love my family! And am so grateful for the blessings that you all have been in my life... There's nothing like realizing the fragile existence that we live here on earth to reorganize your priorities... So know that you are loved! My prayers are with you in your daily struggles and triumphs! May God be watching over you!
The veil has been very thin this past week. The Spirit has been working overtime, especially with the LeBaron family this weekend. But it has been amazing to watch the strength and light emanating from those who are mourning the loss of their beloved father and grandfather and husband. I have been so impressed and inspired by the amazing family that I have been with for such a short time... they have been hit hard, but they are stronger for it. I love you all!
That's it... honestly, I just needed a short ten minute break before hitting the research again... Thanks for reading... lots of love!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
From nutrition to....
Is it possible to have nutrition kill you? I swear, all I've thought about for three days straight is the three nutrition tests to take this week... not to mention the 4th last week... (and one in history due by Saturday)
With that out of the way... I have been thinking a lot about nutrition... and health... and food... and that of course leads to my fridge, then my cupboards, then those cans in that cupboard, to food storage. (I know, my brain is a little... sidetracked...it is a symptom of too much studying...) Anyway, I am excited to get a handle on this food storage thing and am looking for some great ideas on how to get started... We have started collecting random food stuffs... but how do I know whether or not we have reached our goal of a 3 month supply of food storage?
sadly... this is not my food storage... we don't have that much room in our whole house! :) But hey, a girl can dream right?
That's all I have time for now, but there is a light at the end of this test tunnel and it's looking rather sunny... oh the posts I can post then. ;) Thanks for reading all!
With that out of the way... I have been thinking a lot about nutrition... and health... and food... and that of course leads to my fridge, then my cupboards, then those cans in that cupboard, to food storage. (I know, my brain is a little... sidetracked...it is a symptom of too much studying...) Anyway, I am excited to get a handle on this food storage thing and am looking for some great ideas on how to get started... We have started collecting random food stuffs... but how do I know whether or not we have reached our goal of a 3 month supply of food storage?

That's all I have time for now, but there is a light at the end of this test tunnel and it's looking rather sunny... oh the posts I can post then. ;) Thanks for reading all!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Colby and Megan have finally tied the knot and we are so excited for them! Their wedding day was so special and it was fun to go to my first wedding since my own... The sealing was wonderful and the food delicious. It was fun to see the love they have for each other and from their families. We wish them the best in their new life, and good luck with that wall...
Bryce and I tied the knot only a five short months ago and yet I felt that it had been so long for me... :) So naturally we went home and pulled out our pictures... :) I was reminded most of all about how much I love my husband and how much he loves me!
This weekend was also Lindsey's 18th Birthday. It was fun to be a part of that! I smiled when Dad had a hard time with the "I'm now a woman" comment. Linds is the first girl to get ready to leave home and she is going to excel here at the Y. :) Yay!
Life is still busy as always for me, so this post is short. Just wanted to post a quick update (and take a short break from studying).
Bryce and I tied the knot only a five short months ago and yet I felt that it had been so long for me... :) So naturally we went home and pulled out our pictures... :) I was reminded most of all about how much I love my husband and how much he loves me!
This weekend was also Lindsey's 18th Birthday. It was fun to be a part of that! I smiled when Dad had a hard time with the "I'm now a woman" comment. Linds is the first girl to get ready to leave home and she is going to excel here at the Y. :) Yay!
Life is still busy as always for me, so this post is short. Just wanted to post a quick update (and take a short break from studying).
Friday, March 5, 2010
*sigh* My heart doth flutter with the thought...

One of my more labor intensive classes this semester (and reason for most of my homework and tests) is the "fun" one I chose to take this semester. Yes, it does fulfill a requirement, and it is possibly on of my favorite classes I have taken. History of Apparel. *sigh* For any who know me, the name of the class alone speaks volumes about my personality.
How can a class be get any better than the professors introduction that she love to re-enact? Upon discovering the re-enacting in your past, we instantly found a connection... she is currently getting me the information of the group she re-enacts with and I am rather excited. Another plus is that there are only 15 girls in the class... which makes for a fun time...
Just when you thought it couldn't get better... it does.. (I know you are all sitting at the edge of your seats!) We spend lecture going over slides and pictures so that we can understand the history behind fashions, and memorize the endless terms for different parts of clothing. Sounds fun, no?
We spent one lecture while studying ancient middle eastern fashions of wrapping (Egypt, Mesopotamian, Greek, and Roman) with bed sheets. We were practicing the different wrapping techniques of these great ancient civilizations... then we had a mini fashion show... did you know the roman togas wrapped in a way to create two pockets?! I didn't until it was on me... :)

We have made it through the middle ages of Europe when it is considered that fashion really started... and now through the American Revolution... which brings us to my personal favorite period... the 19th century! *girlish giggle* With each picture I want a new dress... the Romantic era is to die for... the Crinoline period is the one I have lived in... and we are about to enter into the bustle period next week. :D
During the very first class our professor told us about the historical clothing collection that BYU has. Its basically made up of historical originals for the students to study the construction and techniques used historically. She told us that one day this semester we might be able to go down there... (she also mentioned that there is an original Union jacket and cap from the Civil War... which of course made me weak in the knees)

Now for my favorite parts... The other day she brought up one of the original dresses that dated back to the 1840s. I washed my hands and was able to touch the fabric and look at the lining, stitching, and... everything. It was absolutely plain but the fabric was extremely light and airy... much more so than today's cotton... I now more fully understand the need for multiple petticoats as their dresses were rather see-through...
Then, to make things even better, she brought her copies of the Godey's Lady's Book (1842), and Peterson's Lady's magazine (1865)... original fashion magazines of the time... their pages so fragile, the fashion plates still in tact... the stories worded so eloquently... I was tempted, oh so tempted, to just... borrow it for a while to read all the way through it... but alas, my conscious won out.
So there you go, a positively excited post regarding my most passionate subject in life...
Do you ever feel...
Mad? Not like, "angry" mad... but like... this...
Yep... definitely crazy mad...
So I need to write but don't really know what to write about... I guess an update wouldn't be too far out of the question seeing as my posts lately have been terribly short...
Life has been rather crazy the last... since school started. I began the semester full of enthusiasm for the semester ahead. Excited about all that I would learn and maybe have something to apply to my life! *gasp* (Is that possible?!) About three weeks into the semester I was hit with the first challenge... 3 tests and a project due. Not too bad, I can handle a little stress...
As the snow fell through the end of January and all through February so did the tests. Since the semester has started I have taken 17 tests averaging about 3 per week. I have also printed about $20 worth of paper to turn into various classes...With the sunshine this week I began to see the light at the end, unfortunately the snow came back and with it... 4 tests next week and three projects due. (I have about 10 more tests to take before finals begin...)I haven't even begun to work on my large projects... I've not had any time... But all will be finished in due time...
Despite the workload that has fallen on me this semester, I am enjoying life. (ok not the snow so much anymore) They Olympics were fun to keep track of, I followed Noelle Pikus-Pace rather closely... and LOST has been my weekly break from my computer and books... My husband is amazing and very patient with me as I struggle through these dang nutrition classes. And he doesn't mind me spouting off what I learned that day in Old Testament or the trivia I learn in History... (which can be a lot sometimes). We've been taking some much needed breaks from studies to go on a few random adventures.
In fact this weekend Bryce is taking me to see Vocal Point (BYU's best a Capella group) and his sister is performing with her singing group in Roosevelt this Saturday. So it looks like another snowy trip over the mountain. :) I am excited to see her perform. She has one of the most amazingly delicious voices you will ever hear. I swear I get goosebumps every time she starts singing! (I'm getting goosebumps now just thinking about it!) The wedding is coming up on the 12th! Just a week away and I am so happy for the most adorable couple and am so very proud of their choice to start of right. :)
Our little house is turning green (not with envy but with holiday Spirit) and I will find the time to throw a little green feast on the 17th. I am looking forward to spring. (less than a month before my birthday!) Well, this post is long and boring enough... Being this busy I am beginning to go a little mad...
Speaking of mad... is anyone besides me excited for the movie coming out this weekend?

So I need to write but don't really know what to write about... I guess an update wouldn't be too far out of the question seeing as my posts lately have been terribly short...
Life has been rather crazy the last... since school started. I began the semester full of enthusiasm for the semester ahead. Excited about all that I would learn and maybe have something to apply to my life! *gasp* (Is that possible?!) About three weeks into the semester I was hit with the first challenge... 3 tests and a project due. Not too bad, I can handle a little stress...
As the snow fell through the end of January and all through February so did the tests. Since the semester has started I have taken 17 tests averaging about 3 per week. I have also printed about $20 worth of paper to turn into various classes...With the sunshine this week I began to see the light at the end, unfortunately the snow came back and with it... 4 tests next week and three projects due. (I have about 10 more tests to take before finals begin...)I haven't even begun to work on my large projects... I've not had any time... But all will be finished in due time...
Despite the workload that has fallen on me this semester, I am enjoying life. (ok not the snow so much anymore) They Olympics were fun to keep track of, I followed Noelle Pikus-Pace rather closely... and LOST has been my weekly break from my computer and books... My husband is amazing and very patient with me as I struggle through these dang nutrition classes. And he doesn't mind me spouting off what I learned that day in Old Testament or the trivia I learn in History... (which can be a lot sometimes). We've been taking some much needed breaks from studies to go on a few random adventures.
In fact this weekend Bryce is taking me to see Vocal Point (BYU's best a Capella group) and his sister is performing with her singing group in Roosevelt this Saturday. So it looks like another snowy trip over the mountain. :) I am excited to see her perform. She has one of the most amazingly delicious voices you will ever hear. I swear I get goosebumps every time she starts singing! (I'm getting goosebumps now just thinking about it!) The wedding is coming up on the 12th! Just a week away and I am so happy for the most adorable couple and am so very proud of their choice to start of right. :)
Our little house is turning green (not with envy but with holiday Spirit) and I will find the time to throw a little green feast on the 17th. I am looking forward to spring. (less than a month before my birthday!) Well, this post is long and boring enough... Being this busy I am beginning to go a little mad...
Speaking of mad... is anyone besides me excited for the movie coming out this weekend?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
When life hands you lemons...

So tell me, when life hands you lemons, what do you do?
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