It has been a rather long week. My semester has been going great... until this week. All of the sudden every one of my classes surprised me with something huge that was due. It started with Tuesday's surprise exam in ASL (it might not have been totally surprise but I think I didn't understand some of the signs I thought I did...). I had a Psychology paper due, a history paper due, an exam in Geography, and a quiz of Psych as well. All of this was due on Thursday and Friday... So my week was spent trying to keep up with the work and not let the readings fall behind. Needless to say, the stress made me a little less-than-happy...
Thursday was a long day and I couldn't wait to be finished with it. After I worked on my paper and some reading I went to work. You know its bad when going to work is a welcome break from what you are already doing... but it makes for a long day when I know I have hours of homework to still do. When 5:30 came around I finished up and went out to my car. When I opened my door my heart jumped into my chest. There was something florescent yellow sitting on my seat. At a second glance I saw that it was a little elephant! Underneath him was a little note explaining that it was "Special Stress absorbent material designed especially for Jess. When she needs an extra hug. Love- Bryce" On the back was a little inspirational quote and scripture telling me how I could make it. I named the elephant Theodore. He is possible the cutest elephant EVER! :)
Yesterday was one of those "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days." Alexander and I seem to have a lot in common...
I woke up, got ready and went to campus. I had a little trouble printing my paper for history but it eventually came out... but made me in a rush to make it to my psych class. I had my geography book with me so I could study as much as I could without the study guide I was supposed to pick up from my professor's office. The plan was to go from history to the SWKT (Spencer W. Kimball Tower) to pick it up, go home to grab some lunch, and study to take my test by about... 5:00... *sigh* Lets just say... that is not how the plan went today. I was pushed to the point that I just wanted to give up. I went to history and forgot to turn in my paper. When I went back to give it to my professor, he wasn't there. I couldn't find my geography professor or TA where they were supposed to be to find the new study guide for the exam I had to take. I was interrupted over and over again while trying to study... the list goes on... finally at 8:00 I went over to the testing center to take the test. When I got it, I realized I forgot to study a very important part of the material... it was on another sheet... and I couldn't remember what numbers I needed... *sigh* that was when I decided I needed to give up for the day. It was just too much for me to handle. I finished my test and called Bryce who wanted to come pick me up. So I went outside into the cold to wait for him.
As I went outside I saw a light. (no I am not dead... nor was it a near-death experience) It was on the side of the mountain. I also heard a helicopter. The light was scanning the entire face of Y mountain! I believe they were looking for someone... my heart stopped cold. Immediately my day did not seem so bad. I was about to get into a warm car and go to my warm apartment and there was someone on the mountain as it got later and later in a very cold night. I said a quick prayer for them and for those on the helicopter. I thanked Heavenly Father for my newest humbling experience.
No matter how bad I think I have it, its not. There is always something to be grateful for and I am definitely one of the most blessed. I have no reason to not be happy or feel sorry for myself. I need to serve and recognize all that is good in my life! So thanks to all of you who are each a blessing of the best!
Jessica, that was amazing. I am having one of those days and that lifted me. I am so happy for you and I love you to pieces! Good luck with everything. :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. That elephant is pretty darn cute.
Good reminder for all of us! Just hang in there. After all, our fingernails have to be good for something! :-)