I have just discovered that people actually leave comments on my blog... :) I'm a little slow on the uptake.. I guess... but I thought I would address them! :) So...
Yes the holiday was great and Marian, of course your visit was on the top ten of the holidays! However, it was pushed to number two when we went to Kanab... something about this handsome boy I'm dating... so sorry! ;]
As life continues with its fast pace of stuff I need to learn and know... and those amazingly entertaining books I am reading... With roommates and family dinner... There is one thing that could only make life a lot more entertaining and hectic. A boyfriend. Let me tell you, he is totally worth it! (I know you are going to read this Bryce, so if you get embarrassed, I'm not around tonight! ;] ) For anyone who is not Bryce... you might find this a tad ridiculous... and so I will not be offended if you skip my post for today. :)
Bryce is a BYU Cougars fan who enjoys educating me in the sports field. He played football all throughout high school and follows the teams here relatively closely. He graduated high school with an associates degree and served his mission in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana mission. He loves to tell me his stories. Bryce is going to be 24 in February (yes, he's old. I remind him of that constantly... :] ) and will graduate with his Bachelor's degree in Business this April. He has been studying Human Resources and will be looking for some sort of management... something... :) He is very friendly and very sincere making him a talented people person. He also has a hobby of working on computers (because he is really smart like that) and of course sports... he has recently taken the task upon himself to try to teach me how to play racquetball... which it quite the feat.
Bryce is very sweet and kind. Everyday he inspires me to be a better person through his example and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We like to have adventures and tease each other about stupid things. We can have an entire conversation that is purely sarcastic comment in reply to another sarcastic comment. We have gone on many an adventure and they keep getting better! He calls it "spicing up life" because who wants to have a boring life right? We've got to live it up and enjoy the ride!
This past weekend was possibly the best adventure we've had yet! Because we went to Kanab at the end of the holiday our plans to go out to Roosevelt with his family were postponed until this past weekend. I know... meet the family and all that.. and the story unfolds...
*insert fuzzy edges of a memory scene here* Friday turned out to be an early one for me. Dear old Ica got extremely sick at about 1:30 in the morning and by two was shaking so bad I didn't know what to do. Luckily Bryce and my wonderful home teacher Gerrit were ok to come give her a blessing around 2:00. My classes all turned out to be second priority as I was up nearly all night with Ica to make sure she would be ok. I emailed all my professors and worked on a little homework between dosing periods. At about 1:00 pm I was supposed to run over to the office to make sure I was completely trained for the I have. but at about 11:30 I was needing a little support. I was tired, and stressed, and somewhat nervous about that afternoon (as we were going to leave for Roosevelt around 3:00). I finished packing and called Bryce to see if he wanted to come over for lunch. He was cleaning out his car and told me he'd be there ten minutes later. We had lunch and as I was about to check on something in my car, he told me he had some other things he had to do so he'd see me at three. When I got to my car, there on my seat was a pink carnation with a note that says, "Bryce *heart*'s Jessica." :) He was pretty proud of himself when I saw him a little later. :)

On the drive up to Roosevelt (a two hour and 15 minute drive... give or take a few...) we discussed some pretty deep doctrine... and music albums... and other various topics. There are really never silent moments between us as we can talk for hours about anything. I was not too nervous about the weekend ahead as I have met other friend's parents before so I know the general routine. It was not until we reached the little town of Roosevelt that my breath got a little shorter. Bryce took me on a tour around town. Its true, I had to blink a few more times than I thought before we'd seen it all... ;) But I was alright until he pointed out his grandparent's house and was about to turn the corner toward his. Its when the realization of "wow... this is it..." hit me. Bryce's parents were helping at his sister's dinner for the Winter Ball and were not going to be at the house when we arrived. It worked out well. We brought our stuff inside to meet his two youngest sisters, Emily (12) and Alexis (8). They showed me to their room where I would be staying. When I came out of the room I couldn't find Bryce anywhere so I made fast friends of the sisters and had them start the tour off downstairs. :) Bryce and Tyler came out of another room and Bryce helped finish the rest of the "ten cent" tour. Alexis likes to play games and was already dying to play one with her older brother and new friend. So we played Scattegories and Emily and Tyler joined in for a few rounds. At about 7:30 I met the parents. I got a hug from his mom and a very friendly handshake from his dad. They had some extra Chicken cordon bleu from the date's dinner and the formal dining room was set for the occasion. "The slaughtering of the fatted calf" as Tyler put it as we sat around with the china... After dinner and clean up we played a game called "the Great Dalmudi" (I wouldn't know how to spell it...). Its like scum... only backward. I sat in the scum spot for most of the game but eventually worked my way up to third from the top. It was a lot of fun! Mr. LeBaron and I gave each other a hard time and I helped Tyler move up from scum. As it got later the younger ones went to bed and Bryce and I went downstairs to where his childhood pictures were. :D I won't go into details here... but lets just say I have some pretty good ammunition should I need it in the future. ;) and Bryce is well aware of it! His sister Lindsey (16) got home from her date and came down to meet me. She is way cute and super nice.
Sleeping in a different bed, in a situation that is forever potentially awkward makes for a difficult time sleeping... and when cursed with a curse like mine, it only adds to the difficulty. I woke up around 6:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. So I eventually got up, got a drink of water, and read in Acts until I was called into breakfast around 8:30. It was the beginning of a very fun and inspiring day for me. After breakfast the family and I went over to the clubhouse where the dinner had transpired the night before to help clean up the tables and decorations that had been left. Clue and home videos... until the boys had a ping pong match and played for a good while. While I watched I helped Alexis practice with the billiards and then she set up the bowling on the t.v. It is exhausting to try to keep up with such a bundle of energy! :) I did teach the family how to play Rummy 500 and Alexis ended up winning... Bryce then took me to get a taste of Roosevelt. To get a shake... and I did get to see Moqui! :) There are stars in Roosevelt! and I did get to see the law enforcement in action. :)
Yep, quite the adventure! I had an amazing time and absolutely love his family. I immediately felt accepted and welcomed. I am very humbled to have had the opportunity to meet them and participate in the family activities. The only other place I have felt so loved is with my family. I have nothing but good to say about the entire adventure and all that I saw and felt. It was AMAZING!!! :)
Every time I see Bryce it brightens up my day. He has a smile that will melt ice and kind and gentle eyes that take my breath away. He is strong and protective... and warm... and will always try to get me to laugh. Yep, you guessed it, I am head over heels for this boy and I am loving every minute spent with him. :)
So now you know a little more about my boy... and more than you wanted about my random adventures! :) But if you actually read it and got bored, its your own fault! Until next time!