As I look forward to the upcoming year, my list of goals seems to grow and I find I have mixed feelings including excitement, hope, determination, and a little apprehension concerning what lies ahead. Life took us for a ride last year and it is always fun (and good) to look back and see what we accomplished last year! So here it goes! (This is promising to be a long post... just a fair warning!)
Brayden. discovered the fun of snow and thought it was great fun to help Dad shovel the driveway of our apartment.
We found, put in an offer, and officially closed on a house in about 18 days! It was a whirlwind of an adventure and HUGE step for us and our family!
We also sent a sister on her mission to Florida.
We got a puppy! We adore her! This is Sunny! |
Brayden turned 2! |
We took a family trip to St. George for Easter!
We spent some fun time playing with my brother before we sent him on his mission to Florida.
Brayden found out he is getting a sister! And (as luck would have it) a girl cousin! PS. We had to sell Sunny... I cried for days... but she has a good family that will take care of her.
We got to see Mary Poppins at the Tuacahn. |
Finally reached the 3rd trimester! |
We went camping with my parents. Brayden discovered the dirt... he was dirtier in person... my mom also taught me how to crochet!
Mom and Grandma were talking crochet... look at what he was reduced to! We call it "Glamping" |
Colonial Days for the 4th. |
Hot air balloons. Brayden wasn't so sure about it all... |
Lap time with Mother Goose at the library |
Pony ride at the petting zoo |
We welcomed our daughter (Madilynn) to the family.
We welcomed our little cousin this month too! |
Brayden loves his little sister! |
October is usually a big month for us. Madilynn was given a name and a blessing, I took the opportunity to take a few fall pictures... and we had our Halloween party!
One Month Old! |
We went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa. Brayden had a blast!
2 Months Old! |
November was also when we south to attend my Grandmother's funeral. She was an incredible woman and she will be sorely missed.