With a "To Do" list the length of my arm and a deadline I cannot avoid, things have been rather busy around here. That, and being pregnant in the heat of the summer is not particularly enjoyable for me... We are trying to transition Brayden to becoming a big boy before the baby comes. This includes the passing of the binki (hooray for success!) and moving to the toddler bed... Its been very exciting to have him grow up and I love to watch him learn new things, but at the same time my mommy heart breaks to see it happening so quickly. Where is my little boy? He is getting too big!
Story Time at the Library with Mother Goose. He got to wear the birthday hat. |
Sorting blocks by color? No problem! |
Helping build his "big boy bed" |
First pony ride at the petting zoo with Grandma |
Despite the heat, we have been having fun! Brayden has always been a water baby... and he loved playing in the kiddie pool at the work party. We have been going to lap time at the library every week with a friend and our favorite weeks are the times Mother Goose comes to visit. A highlight from our summer was the trip to the petting zoo with Grandma S. Brayden was a little nervous about the pony ride but he sure didn't want it to end.
I love this little man so much!