A little vacation time was desperately need for my mom and I. And so we took it. You know it is a going to be an awesome trip when you see a zebra at your rest stop... not kidding, a zebra. And an ostrich and emu... who knew you could find those in the middle of Utah? Don't believe me? Proof.
I did not know how tall those birds are! Pretty fascinating! |
If only that were the only wild life we saw on this adventure of ours...
Mom got us tickets to see the plays at Tuacahn this year. Disney's
Aladdin and
Hairspray. Aladdin was the first night we arrived. We settled in, did a little shopping, ate at the Brick Oven (an all time favorite) and made our way into the sunset toward the outdoor theater. If you have never been to a play at the Tuacahn, you are missing an awesome experience. Outdoors opens up a variety of things you just cannot do in an indoor theater. They always put on a fabulous show! These were no exception! We did decide that October is the time to go too... the crowd is...
older less rowdy, the temperature warm but not too hot, and it was fun to get away from the busy life back home for a few days.
I loved the 3 narrators in Aladdin. They kept the comedy subtle (sometimes) and the music was pretty fun. I even got a picture with the leading cast.
A crowd in the parking lot drew our attention as the dad fiddled with something in the gutter... with a stick... My first thought was "lizard" until I saw the legs... I had to zoom in for this one... more wild life.
Just looking at that picture make me squirm. And he was angry too. He stood very still with that backside in the air... eww... I'm just glad the other people found it before it walked by mom and I. We would not have been so calm about it...
We spent the next day shopping, and relaxing. I want to send a very special thanks out to our friends that let us stay at their pleasant little house while we were there! It was a lot of fun to to have a "home" for a few days. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hairspray was a blast! I may have liked it more than Aladdin (the jury is still out on that one...). The music is so fun, the cast was amazing, and the old commercials during intermission were amazing. I laughed so hard I was crying at one point, and I had the songs stuck in my head for the rest of the trip. No spiders after this play, though we walked into the parking lot with caution...
We didn't linger in St. George the next day. Mom wasn't going to keep me from my 3rd anniversary. Thank you, Mom for an awesome get-away. I can't wait until next year!
P.S. For those of you worried about my son, let your minds be at ease. He spent the week with his other grandparents... and I am pretty sure they spoiled him rotten. I don't think he even missed me... I am happy to have him back though. Thank you to Mom and Dad LeBaron for graciously taking him. It was a lot more stress-free knowing he was with you!