Sunday, April 29, 2012

One Busy Weekend

I don't know if we could have packed more into one weekend than we did this past weekend. I am sufficiently exhausted... My best friend graduated from BYU last weekend. I told her I would throw her a BBQ to celebrate but we waited a week so as to not conflict with family matters.

So very proud of your accomplishment! <3

Friday was the day for the BBQ. Of course the beautiful weather turned sour come Thursday... which made for an interesting plan. But it was a successful party. Thanks to my wonderful husband who grilled the kabobs and pineapple. The food was delicious and it was fun to meet all of my friend's school acquaintances. We did find it rather humorous that those in attendance were all married. Except for her and her guy friend (that happens to know Bryce from work.) All in all it was one successful party and I couldn't have been more pleased with the results. (there may or may not be ice cream included for me...)

Brayden helped us get ready for the party too.

Saturday was supposed to be reserved for the family shootout (we are still bummed that it was canceled and excited to attend in a few weeks!) but the plans changed last minute, and then again at the very last minute. Our ward had a service activity that Bryce attended and I found myself detoured along the freeway until I found the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving point where I met my mother and sisters -in-law... I've never been so I was excited to see what it was. It was fun to spend some time with the girls.

Love the aviators! 

My other sister-in-law was playing for the state solo and ensemble competition that afternoon so I found myself walking the halls of a high school with Brayden while we waited for her turn to perform. She did a fantastic job.

We stopped to get some lunch before heading off to attend Bryce's cousin's wedding. They had a beautiful backyard wedding ceremony. It got cold when the wind picked up for the dinner afterward... but we were glad we were able to be a part of their special day. She was lovely and they make the perfect couple.
The most adorable couple! Congrats to you two! A beautiful wedding for sure!

One of the cousins is going to beauty school and she was willing to give Brayden his first hair cut. He looks like a little boy now! No longer my baby... *sniff*

Thanks to Jennifer for risking your fingers! I couldn't be more pleased!

Brayden LOVES spray bottles. He opens his mouth so you can spray him...
This morning (Sunday) we made our way to see my adorable little nephew blessed. I am sad we didn't get to stay longer but Bryce was teaching part of the lesson for the 5th Sunday combined meeting (did we mention that he has been called as 2nd counselor in the bishopric?)

So here I am, Sunday afternoon. Brayden is taking a well deserved nap and I am unwinding through the outlet I like to call my blog. :) Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Post-baby Pointers

I was asked a few weeks ago to talk about how my relationship has changed with my husband since having a baby. Little Man is one of the oldest children in the ward (yes, married students). I gave my little spiel at a Relief Society activity brunch. It was difficult for me to know what to say... its hard to pin-point exactly what has changed, how it has changed, and make it coherent enough that someone else can understand. I worked it over in my head and it came out a little differently on paper. But I thought it turned out rather well, considering...

I do not claim to know much about this whole motherhood thing. And I certainly do not claim that we have it all together (because we don't). But I decided that I wanted to be real, and honest in how I have felt, and what has happened in our experience. It isn't the same for everyone. In fact, it is actually different for everyone in their specific and wonderfully special circumstances. I thought that I would share my pointers with anyone who cares to read it.

1.       Have patience through the tough days. It may look bleak, but it doesn’t actually last as long as we think it will.
2.       Communicate, communicate, communicate. It is the key to keeping you and your spouse happy and on the same page. When you both know what is going on, it is easier to work together.
3.       Each experience is different. Embrace the joys, endure the challenges, and enjoy each and every day, because (cliche or not) they fly by and you will wonder how your baby grew so fast and where they all went.
4.       Be deliberate in your romance. Put dating back on the top of your priorities. Even if you don’t have a baby, if your relationship isn’t the first on your priorities, change it.
5.       It is important to get dressed every day. It seems like a silly thing, but it is so much easier to not care, throw on some sweats and go about the day. But I always feel much better about myself if I have put a little time and care into how I look that day. I am more confident, productive, and happy because I look and feel good.
6.       “Mommy guilt” is a very real thing. Remember that it is alright to take care of yourself. After you make sure your baby will be safe, it is alright to take the time to take a shower and get ready, even if he (or she) is crying. Take a break from your husband and child and go do something that you love. Your relationship with your spouse will be better for it, I promise.
7.       Finally, remember that you are not alone in this life. Heavenly Father loves you as his precious daughter. You are beautiful to him and to your husband. You are surrounded by a wonderful network of women who want to be there to support, encourage, and uplift you. Hold to that rod and put your faith in Christ and you will not fail.

And I really believe it. 

Humble Pie...

I am feeling so incredibly humbled right now. It will sound incredibly funny, but it feels really good. It's almost a relief to know that God really is looking out for me before I stick my big fat foot in my mouth... again. I have been a little pre-occupied in my own struggles with things that I sometimes forget that others are going through hard times too. General Conference has helped a lot. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave me a good kick in the pants  (as he usually does...) but it wasn't until tonight that I realized what the problem actually was.

There are those who act and those who are acted upon. God hopes that we will act, use that agency he gave us, and work to make life better for everyone around us. That in turn will bless us in ways we cannot know or begin to comprehend yet... what an awesome realization. I just wanted to share. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

I have been facinated with the new movies that have come out representing the Life of Christ from the Bible. If you haven't seen them, you should definately take some time and watch them. They make is so much more real. My personal favorites are The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane and He is Risen.

I have heard the statements that Jesus suffered to the point that he bled at every pore. It didn't become concrete until I was watching these. To see the stream turn red as he is washing himself, and his robes covered afterward as the mob comes to take him... wow. I admit, I cried as I saw the angel in Gethsemane with Him.

You can see everything they have here too.

I know that my Redeemer lives, that he loves me as a precious daughter of God. He suffered and died so that I may live with my Father in Heaven again. I am eternally grateful for the unconditional love He has shown me and for the guidance and support He has provided throughout my life. I hope you all have a happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One Year Older...

Am I wiser too? I sure hope so. But it was a wonderful birthday. I felt so much love and support. Can you guess what I got from my husband? I'll give you a hint...

Need another one?

Ok, one more, just because you need it...

Yep, you guessed it, I got a new camera! :) Can't wait to see what this baby can really do!