So I have this life-dream of getting myself a Sillouette cutting machine. These are amazing machines that make it possible to make a LOT of stuff. My problem for now is that I definitely don't have the funds for it right now... But a woman can dream right?! My how the possibilities are endless... However I have found a few giveaways on some of my favorite blogs. Check them out and see what this machine is capable of!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Valentines Day!

There is nothing more romantic than the Valentines Day I had with my hubby this year... :) We realized that this is going to be the last official holiday that we will have alone... a crazy thought but we took full advantage!
My amazing husband found us a couple's massage deal for yesterday evening. It was a first time for both of us and I'll just say, we've been converted! There is nothing better for a poor aching body like mine than a slow, deep massage addressing each achy muscle's complaint. When she pushed on my hip it was like my body didn't even know my hips were tired and sore... but they instantly felt better... mmmm... It was wonderful and I highly recommend it to anyone, but especially any pregnant woman who might be thinking about it.
As we were up in the area, we stopped by to pick up an order of the Buca di Beppo Antipasta salad for our dinner at home. I made shrimp tortolini alfredo and we lit the candles. Oh so romantic...
The rest of the evening was magical... I had to finish grading papers for the class I TA for so Bryce got to watch the Super Bowl commercials online and play with the DVD recorder. I took a test and we went to bed. Pretty exciting... Happy Valentine's Day my love!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Showers of Love!
Yesterday my aunts threw their first baby shower! They did a fantastic job with the decorations and the delicious custard parfaits and cupcakes... mmm.... It was so fun to see family and friends that I haven't seen for a while and I am so very grateful for all the wonderful gifts that the baby got! He is definitely going to be the best dressed baby around! I admit, I was a little baby happy when I got home and had to go into the back room and organize the clothes and blankets around the crib... *blush* Big Bird came in to help a little but he mostly just chuckled at my excitement over the little pants and socks... :)
So a very public (at least to those who actually read this...) thank you to my dear aunts who planned the food and made the amazing diaper cake and planned the games. Thanks to all who came to support us in our family's little addition, and a most humble thank you for the gifts that will get us underway as parents! We (that includes the baby) love you all!
Now to figure out the name for this little bundle of energy...
P.S. pictures to come soon!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I was doing so well... almost through 9 whole months without catching the many bugs and viruses that float around campus all winter... So here I am, almost 3 weeks left and I suffer from the dreaded cold. I swear this is the worst cold I have ever had... made worse by the fact that I cannot take my beloved Ny-quil to help me sleep. Needless to say the last few nights have been rather long and frustrating.
However, my body was absolutely exhausted yesterday and that translated into at least 6 hours of sleep last night (breaking a record by at least 2!). I also got to sleep in today and I am feeling better (whether that translates into me sounding better I have yet to determine...). With any luck this will pass in the next day or so!
As inconvenient as this cold is, it has forced me to slow down a bit and I am grateful for that. I have found a little time to reflect and ponder and realize just how very blessed I am. I am grateful for my family and their support through all of this craziness of being pregnant. I am grateful for my mother especially. She has been busy at the sewing machine with some cute boy fabrics (I am way excited for them to become something cute!), but she checks up on me and even took me to get a pedicure to celebrate our survival of our latest break down... :) I have cute toes that keep me smiling when I can see them... :)
I am grateful for a thoughtful daddy who sends me little texts to check up on how I am doing. They have made some tough days happier and I know he loves me and wants the best for me. It is also very comforting to know he is so close by in case I may need him for anything.
My hubby does everything for me with patience and love. He makes me laugh when I'm upset and helps stand up when I'm stuck on the couch... I couldn't have anyone better by my side through all of this! I hope this little one grows up to be like his dad.
While she's not related by blood, she is just as close... My dear bestest friend has been an incredible support through this whole thing. Its a good thing she wants to be a nurse... or she may have quit speaking to me around month 2... She has been there with rides, love and support, and a sympathetic ear whenever I need her. She's the best! I love you!
My in-laws have been very supportive and excited for us as well. They are farther away but they keep careful tabs on our goings on. My mother in-law put together a wonderful baby shower on top of everything else that is going on in the family. It was so much fun to have the family there (even if everyone overshot fairly long on how big I am...) :)
Big Bird's grandparents live right next to the hospital we will be delivering at. They are so excited for us and have invited us to come to their house if the hospital wont take us in on the big day. They hosted the baby shower and have had us over a few times for a basketball game or two. :) We are grateful for their example, excitement, and willingness to have us over. Its always a treat to visit!
So many of our extended family have been so helpful and supportive. We are so grateful for the helpful advice, baby items donated to us, and encouragement from you all! We have felt your love, support, and prayers and are eternally grateful for such an amazing family that you are! Thanks for all you have done and continue to do!
Hows that for a silver lining? :) Thanks for reading. I'll be back with better news soon... :)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February!?! Already?!
Today is February! Happy month-of-love to everyone! With the official calendar page turning, we are realizing that we only have 1 month left! Literally, 4 weeks from today! Ah! Excitement is mounting for the arrival of the newest member of the little nest.
Not only is February the shortest month of the year, it is one of the busiest when you are a student, wife... and soon to be mother. It doesn't help that I tend to have this pregnant brain... I am being very careful this month to remember all the things that are due, need to be done, and places I need to be.
My post is a short and boring one today... but hopefully I'll get to post again very soon! (so far my goal of posting weekly isn't working out so well... I shall do better!)