It is the phenomena we know as irony... When I have time to write on my blog, I have nothing exciting to report, and when life is exciting... there is no time to write... Thus, long periods between posts and even longer posts when it does happen! (I apologize in advance... I'm not sure how long this is going to turn out...)
If you keep up with the
Nelson Nine you will already be aware of the awesome adventures we as the
Scribners were able to share with them. I had so much fun exploring the natural beauty of

the southern state with so many that I love. An added bonus was

the handsome man that seemed to be around all the time... :)
Bryce claims that his namesake canyon was named after him... but its hard to believe as he has not (in remembered history) been to see the hoodoos. We offered to empty a couple of seats in the Nelson vehicle and enticed poor Devin and Ashely to ride with us. We had some great
conversation, and stopped at Subway where Devin converted Bryce to
chipotle ranch... When we reached the canyon, Bryce could barely contain himself. :) The remarkable thing about Bryce (the canyon) is that you can look at a hoodoo, turn the corner, look at the same view and it looks completely different! Awe-inspiring really. How could God not have a hand in this world? Needless to say, there were a lot of pictures taken.

Ashley even found a good spot to do a little sketching.
We hiked for a good 5 hours, down 325 feet in elevation and then back out. The down part wasn't so bad... but the climbing out was more
questionable. The arches along the trail were fun and a little short for poor Devin. But we had some fun spotting them in the distance. Every time I have been here we have hiked down in, to the "End of Trail" sign and then back out the same way. I have never been farther into the Navajo Loop to come out somewhere else... So we decided a new first was in order. You may recall my almost-trip to the Y... yeah... this time it was make it or stay stuck in the bottom of the canyon...

We made it back to camp a little tired and a lot hungry... had dinner and discussed dragon flies vs. mosquitoes with the Nelsons for some time. Mom's desserts really are the best (my
roomies say "magical").
When it came time to go to Zion's the next morning, I questioned if I was really on vacation... But excitement for the river was thick in the camp as we ate some quick breakfast and packed for a day of water hiking! As we got to the trail head leading to the river entrance, the sun shone "
uber hot" (as my brother described). We were all ready for some good cold water... the sun gods must have had it in for us, however. Just about the time we reached the river, grey clouds floated over us in the sky, blocking out some of the heat and sun. It got a little chilly as the wind blew straight up the little slot canyon we were hiking in. The water was as freezing cold as ever, and it was rather shallow. We had
originally planned on hiking a good ways up and then ride the "rapid" parts, and deeper parts down with the current... I seriously questioned the idea... The cold didn't really slow us down... on the contrary, we played even harder and farther than we had in years past... :)

Ben, Preston, and Devin found a large rock with water deep enough to jump into. They were frozen
Popsicles by the time we showed up... but they wanted to show us what they found. We all took a couple of times jumping and then shivered our way back to the parents. To give you an idea of just how cold we were... I shall include a movie. (take note of how the camera shivers...and its sideways because there's no turning it when its recorded that way...)
All in all it was a successful day. I shivered a lot and ended up with some great bruises on my knees... but it was worth it. Later my dear mother pulled out a container of glow sticks with which we fashioned creative objects. Nikki make headphones, I twisted bracelets and necklaces for me and Abby, and Ben... well he's just kinda weird....

Bed time brought with it wonderful relief for achy muscles and I slept very soundly. A highlight of mine was the frequent roll of thunder while we were there. Usually at night, it was beautiful.
Breakfast burritos and packing awaited us in the morning. We were going up the state by way of the
Freemont Indian park and Cove Fort. I believe the pictures explain the excitement of the Indian park...

Cove Fort is a favorite destination. They have really improved the places around it too! If you haven't seen it and are on your way down south, the trip is well worth it! There are metal hoops to chase around, a beautiful barn and blacksmith billows. The garden is beautiful (I'm inspired by gardens now...) and the spirit of the pioneer lifestyle is abundant... It really is quite amazing. This was another first for my dear fiance...

And here is proof that Mom cam with us... :D
The family reunion was lots of fun (Thanks Linda!) and it was great to see everyone and chat with most. I appreciate all the
congratulations and well wishes. Bryce still wants to marry me even after
experiencing the Barker side. ;) He says he had a great time and likes my family... so I guess he passed the test, or my family passed... I'm trying to figure that out... Success of the week proved itself once again in the wiped out posture of my brother at the end of Saturday...

Thanks again for all you do! And sorry for the long-winded post... until next time! -Jess *:P